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Since our inception in 2017, Play it Forward has been dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of Zambian communities. We are passionate about reducing poverty and improving livelihoods through sustainable projects that are owned and driven by the very people we serve.


In both urban and rural areas where we operate, young people, especially girls, face a myriad of challenges. High rates of unemployment and poverty place them at significant risk of exploitation, including child marriage, teenage pregnancy, gender-based violence, drug and alcohol addiction, and involvement in criminal activities. These issues can result in profound trauma and mental health concerns.

I have witnessed the unique power of football to break down gender stereotypes and help deliver sexual health programmes; the difference that daily nutrition and mentoring can have on the prospects of a child.

Oliver Brendon, Chairman



Where it all began

When Oliver Brendon first visited Zambia, he was staggered by the number of orphans living in abject poverty without basic needs such as access to clean water, toilets or an education. He made a promise to Presley, the volunteer headteacher at Mukuni village, that he would come back to help them build a school.


Charity Registration

Zambian children running in their village.
At the start of 2018 the ATD Foundation was registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales. The organisation provided grants to small local NGO’s focusing on improving school learning environments.


A change in direction

Boys playing football at the pitch.
Our close partnership with the Livingstone Youth Football Academy has shown us the enormous positive impact that organised and inclusive football can have on young people’s lives and on their communities.


Women's team promoted

The Play it Forward girls football team.
The Play it Forward FC Women’s Team won back-to-back promotions in their first two seasons. No playing at the top level of Zambian football, they have proved themselves to be one of the top teams in Zambia. Two of our players, Majory and Grace represented Zambia on the international stage.


Common Goal membership

The Common Goal organisation logo.
Play it Forward was accepted as a network member in the global Common Goal community, helping to inspire everyone in football to collaborate towards an equal and sustainable future for all.


A New Home

A dusty football pitch in Zambia.
As the Play it Forward programming expanded its reach, it needed a new home. A new site has been identified in Dambwa, on the outskirts if the tourist capital of Livingstone. This move allowed the even more young people the opportunity to train, learn, and pursue their dreams.
A photograph of a group of Zambian boys running.


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