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We work closely with communities to provide life-changing opportunities that enable young people to reach their full potential and thrive. Our approach is rooted in close and equal partnership between Play it Forward in the UK and our Zambian registered NGO counterpart, known locally as Play it Forward Zambia. What sets us apart is that our Zambian team is composed of individuals from the very communities we work in. This unique advantage provides us with an unparalleled understanding of the challenges and needs on the ground.

A tutor leading a science lesson at our office.


Despite its importance, education is in crisis in Zambia. In many cases, the quality is insufficient, minimum performance goals are not being achieved, and children drop out of school early. For many children, school ends after just a few years in primary and with only 43% continuing to secondary school education. Although access to primary education in Zambia has grown exponentially, disparities remain, particularly in rural settings.

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An agriculture skills lesson at the office vegetable garden.


The devastating combination of prolonged and severe drought in the southern part of the country has driven increasing hunger. Malnutrition is just one of many burdens to health, with diseases like HIV/AIDS still prevalent in disadvantaged populations, leading to an average life expectancy of only 62 years. In  2018, around 48,000 adults and 5,400 children became newly infected with HIV in Zambia which shows limited progress in sexual health education.

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A project officer helping children in a digital skills learning session.


School leavers transitioning into working life often lack basic digital and entrepreneurship skills required for many jobs. For students who are motivated enough to apply to University, they often don’t know the application processes or entry requirements or scholarships/bursaries available to them. As a result many young people are left lost without jobs, skills or ambition.

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Community Partners

The Common Goal organisation logo.

Common Goal

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One World Together

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Sport for Social Change Network

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A photograph of a group of Zambian boys running.


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